mysql - ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'tracker_phonetracker.location_share' (errno: -1) -

i facing problem in query .

create table location_share (      circle_id int ,     user_id int ,      location_sharing_id  int ,      primary key (user_id ,circle_id  ) ,      constraint fkcircle1 foreign key (circle_id) references circle(id) on delete cascade on update cascade ,      constraint fkuser1 foreign key (user_id) references user(id) on delete cascade on update cascade ,      constraint fksharing_policy foreign key (location_sharing_id) references share(id) on delete cascade on update cascade  ) engine = innodb  

mysql shows me error 1005 :

error 1005 (hy000): can't create table 'tracker_phonetracker.location_share' (errno: -1)

other tables on query dependent :

table : circle

create table circle (     id int auto_increment primary key ,      name varchar(35) ) engine=innodb 

table : user

create table user (     id int auto_increment primary key ,      contact_no varchar(25) unique not null,      email varchar(50) unique  not     null,      first_name  varchar(25) not null ,      last_name varchar(25) ,      device_id varchar(250)not null  ,      image_path varchar(180) ,      password varchar(30) not null ,      latitude varchar(18) ,      longitude varchar(18)  ) engine=innodb 

table : share

create table share (     id int auto_increment primary key ,      policy varchar(6) unique not null  ) 

can plz tell me what's wrong query .

thanks !!

from manual:

1005 (er_cant_create_table)

cannot create table. if error message refers error 150, table creation failed because foreign key constraint not correctly formed. if error message refers error −1, table creation failed because table includes column name matched name of internal innodb table.

this caused using user can fix escaping references user:

 references `user`(id) 


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