uiviewcontroller - Instantiating a Swift ViewController in an Objective-C project -

i've imported swift uiviewcontroller in objective-c-based project , i've followed


my project doesn't crash, can't view load. i'm attempting instantiate viewcontroller, shows white blank screen:

uiviewcontroller *rootviewcontroller = [storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"myswiftvc"]; 

i put breakpoint in after prior line , po rootviewcontroller gives memory address.

i threw println in viewdidload of myswiftvc, nothing comes up. lights "are on", nothing displays/executes. ideas resolution?

here's method prior line called:

- (void)checkdisclaimer {     uistoryboard *storyboard = self.window.rootviewcontroller.storyboard;      if ([[[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults]valueforkey:@"disclaimeracknowledged"]boolvalue] == no) {         // set instantiate disclaimer vc         uiviewcontroller *rootviewcontroller = [storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"disclaimer"];         self.window.rootviewcontroller = rootviewcontroller;         nslog(@"disclaimer not acknowledged");     } else { // line that's working memory standpoint, nothing happens         uiviewcontroller *rootviewcontroller = [storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"launchscreen"];         self.window.rootviewcontroller = rootviewcontroller;         nslog(@"disclaimer acknowledged");     }     [self.window makekeyandvisible];  } 


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