java 6 - I am getting ';' expected error,illegal start expression and else without if -

i want out put this-

150 can fitted in:

  • short
  • int
  • long

150000 can fitted in:

  • int
  • long

1500000000 can fitted in:

  • int
  • long

213333333333333333333333333333333333 can't fitted anywhere.

-100000000000000 can fitted in:

  • long

    import; import java.util.; import java.text.; import java.math.; import java.util.regex.*;

    public class solution {

    public static void main(string[] args) {     /* enter code here. read input stdin. print output stdout. class should named solution. */     byte b;     long l;     int t, v;     int[] n;     scanner in=new scanner(;     system.out.println("inter number");     v=in.nextint();     n=new int[v];     int i=0;     while(n.hasnextint())         {         n[i]=in.nextint();         i++;     }     for(int k=0;k<t;k++)         {if(b<n[k])           {               system.out.println(k+"this fit in");             system.out.println("*short");             system.out.println("*int");             system.out.println("*long");}          else if(t==n[k]){             system.out.println(n[k]+"this fit in");             system.out.println("int");          system.out.println("long");}         else if(t<=n[k]){             system.out.println(n[k]+"this fit in");             system.out.println("int");             system.out.println("long");}         else if((t<=n[k])&&(l==n[k])){             system.out.println(n[k]+"this fit in");             system.out.println("long");}         else{             system.out.println(n[k]+"this not fitted where");}}}} 

a quick fix use ide eclipse or netbeans formats code , makes life far easier debug, develop in open-source , reduces development time. coming errors: can spot have missed } @ end of program script , notice syntactically wrong statement:

} else if (t <= n[k] > ) { 

please confirm correct syntactically code , use formatting enable fellow developers you. luck!


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