database - how to distribute oracle databse -

i want distribute oracle database 11g on 3 servers don't know how start. read documents :

and others same . didn't find how start. want start document how start distribute oracle , contains :

1) how install oracle distribution

2) how link them rules

3) how query in java application

according comment, want integrate several existing system. in case, easiest approach database links:

there no special installation involved. add remote databases tnsnames.ora know how connect each other.

then create database link, e.g.:

create database link orlando    connect joe    identified mysecret    using orcl33b; 

now can query data (or insert or update):

select, b.total_amt person join sales@orlando b = b.cust_id; 

sales@orlando refers remote table sales in remote orlando database.

there different types of database links (regarding authentication, sharing , availability in other schema). you'll need check best serves you.


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