Corruption of the heap using OpenCV C++ HOG Detector -
hi stackoverflow community,
i've been developing algorithm using opencv library. didn't have memory issues until when i'm integrating algorithm in application. i'm not skilled in c++ , "properly coding" don't know can cause problem.
the error when release code typical "corruption of heap". in code below can see function in breakpoint.
i think problem related mat frametemp. in function send mat parameter, copy mat temporary mat , work 1 (detecting persons in image , marking rectangle in them). return temporary mat. there has wrong memory allocation/deallocation of these mat can't find answer this. wrong in code sure can me solve breakpoint. in advance answering.
mat predetection(mat &frame){ mat rois; mat frametemp; frame.copyto(frametemp); // hog people detections hogdescriptor hog; static vector<float> detector = hogdescriptor::getdefaultpeopledetector(); if (!detector.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "error: getdefaultpeopledetector returned null\n"); } hog.setsvmdetector(detector); fflush(stdout); vector<rect> found, found_filtered; vector<double> foundweights, foundweights_filtered; // run detector default parameters. higher hit-rate // (and more false alarms, respectively), decrease hitthreshold , // groupthreshold (set groupthreshold 0 turn off grouping completely). hog.detectmultiscale(frametemp, found, foundweights, 0, size(8, 8), size(32, 32), 1.05, 2); size_t i, j; (i = 0; < found.size(); i++) { rect r1 = found[i]; double prescore = foundweights[i]; (j = 0; j < found.size(); j++) if (j != && (r1 & found[j]) == r1) break; if (j == found.size()){ found_filtered.push_back(r1); foundweights_filtered.push_back(prescore); } } (i = 0; < found_filtered.size(); i++) { rect r2 = found_filtered[i]; double prescore_filtered = foundweights_filtered[i]; int x1, y1, x2, y2; x1 = r2.x; y1 = r2.y; x2 = r2.x + r2.width; y2 = r2.y + r2.height; // hog detector returns larger rectangles real objects. // shrink rectangles nicer output. r2.x += cvround(r2.width*0.1); r2.width = cvround(r2.width*0.8); r2.y += cvround(r2.height*0.07); r2.height = cvround(r2.height*0.8); rectangle(frametemp,,, cv::scalar(255, 0, 0), 1); } return frametemp; }
and call stack:
ntdll.dll!_rtlpbreakpointheap@4() + 0x19 bytes ntdll.dll!rtlpvalidateheapentry() + 0x3088c bytes ntdll.dll!_rtldebugfreeheap@12() + 0xbf bytes ntdll.dll!rtlpfreeheap() + 0x44b2f bytes ntdll.dll!rtlfreeheap() + 0x1ba bytes msvcr100.dll!free(void * pblock) line 51 c diva_detector3.exe!predetection(cv::mat & frame) line 70 + 0x9e bytes c++
does mat
class have appropriate , correct copy constructor? gets called when return frametemp
, , if it's got bug can these kinds of problems.
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