c# - Check time after a mousebuttondown before the mousebuttonup -

i think must little problem, can't clear thought on that. idea?

i have borders on canvas (filled images) , want click border (i onmouseleftbuttondown) border gets red (so user knows sure object had clicked) , then, after 1 or 2 seconds, when mousebutton still pushed down, drag'n'drop should start.

at first had borders inside buttons, clickevent seems conflict dragevent. got rid of buttons , did inside borders directly, works also. how can start drag after mousebuttondown , stop when mousebuttonup happens before time runs out.

someone idea clean solution?

private void onmouseleftbuttondown(object sender, mousebuttoneventargs e) {     _source = sender border;     mouse.capture(_source); }  private void onmouseleftbuttonup(object sender, mousebuttoneventargs e) {     _source = null;     mouse.capture(null); } 

and in event onmousemove can modify border margins depends on mouse position after checking if _source type of border.

var position = e.getposition(canvas); 

edit: time can add property stopwatch _watch, , inside onmouseleftbuttondown event handler can it:

_watch = stopwatch.startnew(); 

in onmouseleftbuttonup:


and in onmousemove before code:

while (_watch.elapsedmilliseconds < 2000 && _watch.isrunning) {     thread.sleep(100); } 


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