Java Swing JTextfield resets after every 2 seconds -
currently i'm programming chat , noticed whenever write in jtextfield without sending server current contents of jtextfield resets "". in code string parts in german shouldnt big problem hope.
first here screenshot of empty jtextfield: write in jtextfield:
, after test text "hg.." gets deleted after 2-4 seconds without pressing anything.
public class clientwindow extends jframe implements runnable{ private static final long serialversionuid = 7413464033743652908l; private jpanel contentpane; private jmenubar bar; private jmenu datei; private jmenu option; private jmenu features; private jmenuitem verlaufspeichern; private jmenuitem w; private jmenuitem ww; private jtextarea history; private jtextfield text; private jbutton send; private defaultcaret caret; private client client; private thread run, listen; public clientwindow(string name, string address, int port){ client = new client(name,address,port); createwindow(); createpanel(); createlookandfeel(); createjmenu(); createinhalt(); console("versuche zu verbinden.(username: "+ name +", ip: "+ address +", port: "+ port +")"); boolean connect = client.openconnection(address); if(!connect){ console("verbindung fehlgeschlagen."); } string connection = "/c/" + name; client.send(connection.getbytes()); run = new thread(this,"running"); run.start(); } public void run(){ listen(); } public void listen(){ listen = new thread("listen") { public void run(){ while(true){ string message = client.receive(); if(message.startswith("/c/")){ client.setid(integer.parseint(message.split("/c/|/e/")[1])); console("erfolgreich verbunden."); } else if(message.startswith("/m/")){ system.out.println(message); string text = message.substring(3); text = text.split("/e/")[0]; console(text); } else if(message.startswith("/i/")){ string text = "/i/" + client.getid() + "/e/"; send(text, false); } } } }; listen.start(); } public void createlookandfeel(){ try { uimanager.setlookandfeel(uimanager.getsystemlookandfeelclassname()); } catch (classnotfoundexception | instantiationexception | illegalaccessexception | unsupportedlookandfeelexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } public void createjmenu(){ bar = new jmenubar(); datei = new jmenu(" datei "); option = new jmenu(" options "); features = new jmenu(" features "); verlaufspeichern = new jmenuitem(" verlauf speichern "); w = new jmenuitem(" coming "); ww = new jmenuitem(" coming "); datei.add(verlaufspeichern); option.add(w); features.add(ww); bar.add(datei); bar.add(option); bar.add(features); setjmenubar(bar); } public void createwindow(){ setresizable(false); settitle("chat - "+ client.getname()); setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); setsize(800,550); setlocationrelativeto(null); setvisible(true); } public void createpanel(){ contentpane = new jpanel(); contentpane.setborder(new emptyborder(5,5,5,5)); setcontentpane(contentpane); contentpane.setlayout(null); } public void createinhalt(){ history = new jtextarea(); jscrollpane scrollhistory = new jscrollpane(history); scrollhistory.setbounds(10,10,775,450); history.seteditable(false); caret = (defaultcaret) history.getcaret(); caret.setupdatepolicy(defaultcaret.always_update); contentpane.add(scrollhistory); text = new jtextfield(); text.setbounds(10, 465, 700, 30); text.addkeylistener(new keyadapter(){ public void keypressed(keyevent e){ if(e.getkeycode() == keyevent.vk_enter){ send(text.gettext(),true); } } }); contentpane.add(text); send = new jbutton("senden"); send.setbounds(715, 465, 70, 30); send.addactionlistener(new actionlistener(){ public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { send(text.gettext(),true); } }); contentpane.add(send); addwindowlistener(new windowadapter(){ public void windowclosing(windowevent e){ string disconnect = "/d/"+ client.getid()+"/e/"; send(disconnect,false); client.close(); } }); text.requestfocusinwindow(); } public void send(string message, boolean textb){ if(message.equals("")) return; if(textb){ message = client.getname() + ": " + message; message = "/m/"+message; } client.send(message.getbytes()); text.settext(""); text.requestfocusinwindow(); } public void console(string message){ history.append(message + "\n\r"); history.setcaretposition(history.getdocument().getlength()); } }
in method send have text set "" in line:
here method have mentioned:
public void send(string message, boolean textb){ if(message.equals("")) return; if(textb){ message = client.getname() + ": " + message; message = "/m/"+message; } client.send(message.getbytes()); text.settext(""); text.requestfocusinwindow();
i guess if remove line text not reset , solve problem.
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