sql server - Conversion failed when converting from a character string to a uniqueidentifier while importing table? -

i'm trying import table navicat sql server , error:

[err] [row1] [imp] 42000 - [sql server]conversion failed when converting character string uniqueidentifier.

[err] [row1] [imp]

insert [edfi].[studentschoolassociation]         ([studentusi],[schoolid], [schoolyear],[entrydate],         [entrygradeleveldescriptorid], [entrygradelevelreasontypeid],          [entrytypedescriptorid], [repeatgradeindicator],         [schoolchoicetransfer], [exitwithdrawdate],          [exitwithdrawtypedescriptorid],[residencystatusdescriptorid],          [primaryschool], [employedwhileenrolled],         [classofschoolyear], [educationorganizationid],          [graduationplantypedescriptorid], [graduationschoolyear],         [id], [lastmodifieddate], [createdate])  values ('89', '2',          '2014', '1913-9-9',          '133', null,          '2184038928404', null,          null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '1776',         '', 0, 0) 

[err] [row1] [imp] 42000 - [sql server]conversion failed when converting character string uniqueidentifier.

the third last column id, not null uniqueidentifier (newid()). want autogenerate these id's, empty in csv file.


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