Google Map Services(Places) returning error message "You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API." But I've used it just for a while -

i using google maps service (places, directions). after using while receiving response :

{ "error_message" : "you have exceeded daily request quota api.", "predictions" : [], "status" : "over_query_limit"}.

i found link usage limits services when used google maps javascript api v3. in link mentioned "places api allows 1,000 or 100,000 (if you're verified) requests per 24 hours." have not requested 200 times. there other reason response or there alternative rid of problem. in advance.

usage limits google maps api web services

yes. there possible reason getting "over query" message. , it's common problem. if make subsequent query requests quickly, google respond on query limit message posted.

from google api spec

usage limits exceeded

if exceed usage limits over_query_limit status code response.

this means web service stop providing normal responses , switch returning status code over_query_limit until more usage allowed again.

this can happen:

  • within few seconds, if error received because application sent many requests per second.
  • some time in next 24 hours, if error received because application sent many requests per day. time of day @ daily quota service reset varies between customers , each api, , can change on time.

add delay between requests eliminate error

you need insert delay between requests google map api rid of message , api respond. how implement delay depends upon platform you're using.


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