java - Trying to use the certificate to connect in a web server -

i ve been trying use 2 different certificates communicate in web server( web server 1). when use first one, can communicate web server without problem. when try use second one, have problems: if change certificate , make conection web server, returns information had used in first certificate. when close , open tomcat 8, can use second one, can't use first 1 again. i´ve been using more 1 certificate , , using same method in web server(web server 2) without problem.

follow code bellow:

 public string sendxml(string xmlcabecalho, string xmlenvnfse) throws exceptionservicoabrasf {     try {         signxml signxml = new signxml(this.keystoreservice.getkeystore(), this.keystoreservice.getaliascert(), this.keystoreservice.getpasswordpfx());         xmlenvnfse = signxml.signandsend(xmlenvnfse);         loadinfocertificate();         return executarservicoenvionfse(xmlcabecalho, xmlenvnfse);     } catch (exception ex) {         throw new exceptionservicoabrasf("failure sing. " + ex.getmessage());     }  } //add xml sign   public string signandsend(string xml) throws exception {       //sign     return sign(xml, "infdeclaracaoprestacaoservico", "rps"); } 


   private string sign(string xml, string tag, string tagparentsignature) throws exception {     document document = documentfactory(xml);      xmlsignaturefactory signaturefactory = xmlsignaturefactory             .getinstance("dom");     arraylist<transform> transformlist = signaturefactory(signaturefactory);     loadcertificates(signaturefactory);      nodelist elements = document.getelementsbytagname(tag);     org.w3c.dom.element el = (org.w3c.dom.element) elements.item(0);     el.setidattribute("id", true);     string id = el.getattribute("id");      reference ref = signaturefactory.newreference("#" + id,             signaturefactory.newdigestmethod(digestmethod.sha1, null),             transformlist, null, null);      signedinfo si = signaturefactory.newsignedinfo(signaturefactory             .newcanonicalizationmethod(canonicalizationmethod.inclusive,                     (c14nmethodparameterspec) null), signaturefactory             .newsignaturemethod(signaturemethod.rsa_sha1, null),             collections.singletonlist(ref));      xmlsignature signature = signaturefactory.newxmlsignature(si, keyinfo);      domsigncontext dsc = new domsigncontext(privatekey, document.getelementsbytagname(tagparentsignature).item(0));     signature.sign(dsc);      return outputxml(document); }   //load certificate  protected void loadcertificates(xmlsignaturefactory signaturefactory) throws exception {     if (keystore != null) {         keystore.privatekeyentry pkentry = null;         if (keystore.iskeyentry(alias)) {             char[] pin = (password == null ? "" : password).tochararray();             pkentry = (keystore.privatekeyentry) keystore.getentry(alias,                     new keystore.passwordprotection(pin));             privatekey = pkentry.getprivatekey();             x509certificate cert = (x509certificate) pkentry.getcertificate();              keyinfofactory keyinfofactory = signaturefactory.getkeyinfofactory();             list<x509certificate> x509content = new arraylist<>();              x509content.add(cert);             x509data x509data = keyinfofactory.newx509data(x509content);             keyinfo = keyinfofactory.newkeyinfo(collections.singletonlist(x509data));         } else {             throw new exception("alias invalid.");         }     } else {         throw new exception("invalid certificate information.");     } } ///normalize xml  protected string outputxml(document doc) throws transformerexception {     bytearrayoutputstream os = new bytearrayoutputstream();     transformerfactory tf = transformerfactory.newinstance();     transformer trans = tf.newtransformer();     trans.transform(new domsource(doc), new streamresult(os));     string xml = os.tostring();     if ((xml != null) && (!"".equals(xml))) {         xml = xml.replaceall("\\r\\n", "");         xml = xml.replaceall(" standalone=\"no\"", "");     }     return xml; } //load info certificate      private void loadinfocertificate() {     system.setproperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs", "");     security.addprovider(new;      system.setproperty("", "pkcs12");      system.clearproperty("");     system.clearproperty("");     system.clearproperty("");     system.setproperty("", this.keystoreservice.getpathpfx());     system.setproperty("", this.keystoreservice.getpasswordpfx());      system.setproperty("", "jks");     system.setproperty("", this.pathcacerts);  } //send web service     private string executarservicoenvionfse(string xmlcabecalho, string xmlcorpo) throws exceptionservicoabrasf {     input input = new input(xmlcabecalho, xmlcorpo);     output output = generatereturn(input);     return output.getoutputxml();  } //generate conection web service     private output generatereturn(ws.input parameters) throws exceptionservicoabrasf {     ws.nfse port = loadnfsedivport();     return port.generatereturn(parameters); } //return web service     private ws.nfse loadnfsedivport() throws exceptionservicoabrasf {     try {         string urlstr = "";         url url = new url(urlstr);         ws.nfseserviceimpldivservice service = new ws.nfseserviceimpldivservice(url);         ws.nfse port = service.getnfsedivport();         return port;     } catch (malformedurlexception ex) {         throw new exceptionservicoabrasf("invalid url. " + ex.getmessage());     } } 


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