neo4j - GrapheneDB vs Graph Story on Heroku -

i have no experience graph db applications i'm trying write one. intend host on heroku.

i can see there 2 graph db service providers free plans can't decide 1 use, both marketing using different attributes, , can't compare ! example:

  • graphenedb mentions node , relationship count limit, , query time limit. nothing storage limit.

  • graph story mentions ram limit, `storage limit , data transfer limit.

other properties mentioned aren't comparable between both providers.

has tried of these services on heroku , share experience please ?

edit: found this page give idea how space neo4j need.

i'll take spin @ answering question staying as objective possible, as, , other frequent answerers here, have relationships both providers.

both have own pro's , con's, , think looking @ heroku side maybe not choice.

there 1 difference between both need know, graphstory provide neo4j enterprise while graphenedb provide neo4j community, fact. thinking if run neo4j on heroku, don't need enterprise because "enterprise" users of neo4j using own environment clustering on servers "real" ram , ssd's, in fact can managed both providers licence , support.

you speak storage limit. storage depends amount of nodes, relationships , properties in database, if there limit of 1000 nodes don't need care storage limit think.

i tried both on heroku, , except nodes limit, there not difference in matters of performance when deploy free dynos.

if startup, running neo4j on heroku great if take paid plan of course, both providers have cool support , both rewarding long term customers.

if @ free dynos, don't need care limitations, because limited, in way !

outside of heroku, here points viewed :

  1. graphenedb runs on platforms including azure cool stuff
  2. graphstory runs enterprise can benefit high performance cache
  3. graphenedb has accessible api creating neo4j servers on fly , destroying it.
  4. depending of location, may want support europe or us.
  5. basic plans, on both, suffering of latency or boot time when not used long time
  6. both have support spatial
  7. both actors in neo4j community cool stuff, can meet them in real :)

now, can test them, both, free !!!


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