How to prevent Android Material DatePickerDialog from selecting future dates -

i trying create datepickerdialog not allow user select in future. see many solutions should use setmaxdate(system.currenttimemillis()); not work material dialog thing. prevent user select beyond current month, future dates in month grayed out still selectable. see code below.

datepickerdialog dialog = new datepickerdialog(rootview.getcontext(), new datepickerdialog.ondatesetlistener() {     @override     public void ondateset(final datepicker datepicker, final int year, final int monthofyear, final int dayofmonth) {         datetime = datetime.withyear(year);         datetime = datetime.withmonthofyear(monthofyear + 1);         datetime = datetime.withdayofmonth(dayofmonth);          if (datetime.isafter( {             datetime = new datetime();             snackbar.make(rootview, r.string.future_date_not_allowed, snackbar.length_long).show();         }          setdatetime(datetime);     } }, datetime.getyear(), datetime.getmonthofyear() - 1, datetime.getdayofmonth());  dialog.getdatepicker().setmaxdate(system.currenttimemillis());; 

as might see, using jodatime offload complexity. check once user has selected date, if not in future, though specified using setmaxdate.

in image below can see today july 23, , i've selected july 29. if press ok, snackbar show. later today grayed, still selectable.... don't me started on timepicker ;)

picker example


how can actually prevent user selecting future dates?

you can use prevent future date.



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