Coldfusion site - Chrome tries to link to https version of files that don't exist -

a couple coldfusion-based sites run having problem in chrome.

i'm using <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<cfoutput>#request.rootpath#</cfoutput>_data/styles/website.css"> refer stylesheet. when go site using chrome, stylesheet doesn't load, , when in source, link pointing https url instead of http.

somehow, thinks stylesheet link should start https, when site regular-ol' http. ,

it seems returning https time use <cfoutput>#request.rootpath#</cfoutput>...

any idea why , how can fix it?

search through code base , see request.rootpath defined, since don't think defined coldfusion. deduced cgi scope , saw dave quested tweeted yesterday latest chrome reports different cgi.https.

quote from:

chrome 44.0.2403.89 appears change cgi.https behaviour in #coldfusion, seeing https = 1, not https = off.

his workaround use cgi.server_port eq 443 instead.

this chrome bug according brad wood on #cfml slack


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