angularjs - How to send search id to `$resource` prodiver? -

when user lick on element, changing search params. after updating search params, url location changing :


now how send $routeparams this?http://localhost:3000/#/projectsummary/1/3

here try :

    $scope.conractorinfo = function ( contractor ) {                  $'id',; //setting id                  console.log($ //getting `1` not 1/3 !?  server.contractor.get({id:$'/'}).$promise.then(function (data) {                      console.log(data);                  });              } 

here server.js

(function () {      "use strict";      angular         .module("tcpapp")         .factory("server", ['$resource', function ($resource) {              var base = 'http://azvsptcsdev02:678/_vti_bin/cpmd.webservice/projectinfoservice.svc/';              console.log(base + 'getprojectdetails')              return {                  splash : $resource( base + 'getprojectdetails'),                  summary : $resource( base  + 'getprojectbyid/:id'),                  contractor : $resource( base + 'projects/:id/:id')              }          }]);  })(); 

you need configure $resource 2 different params.

right using same param twice in url there no way parse object keys 2 different ones

it should more like:

// factory contractor : $resource( base + 'projects/:id/:contid')  // controller server.contractor.get({id:$,}) 


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