telerik - NativeScript HTTP:getJSON doesn't work -

i have used original helloworld app , change model helloworldmodel mainmodel.

then required "http" when run app , klik button "updateaction" writes console , sets message.

the http request doesn't anything.

code: (main-view-model.js)

var __extends = this.__extends || function(d, b) { (var p in b)     if (b.hasownproperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];  function __() {     this.constructor = d; } __.prototype = b.prototype; d.prototype = new __(); }; var observable = require("data/observable"); var http = require("http"); var mainmodel = (function(_super) {     __extends(mainmodel, _super);  function mainmodel() {;     console.log("mainmodel called");     this.set("message", "last updated" + " 2015-07-22 00:00:00");     this.set("message2", "last updated" + " 2015-07-22 00:00:00"); } mainmodel.prototype.updateaction = function() {     console.log("updateaction");     this.set("message2", "last updated" + " 2015-07-22 01:00:00");     http.getjson("").then(function(r) {         this.set("message", "last updated \n" + r);         console.log("success");         console.log(r);     }, function(e) {         // argument (e) error!         console.log("fail");         console.log(e);         this.set("message", "last updated \n" + e);     }); }; return mainmodel; })(observable.observable); exports.mainmodel = mainmodel; exports.mainviewmodel = new mainmodel(); 

what doing wrong?

note: i'm testing on iphone 6 emulator

it seems using getstring works , gives same response.

still wierd getjson doesn't work.

a working example is:

http.getstring("").then(function (r) {         console.log("success");         console.log(r);     }, function (e) {         console.log("fail");         console.log(e);     }); 


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