ssl - Error configuring multiple java keystores using dks KeyStore type -

i have java/tomcat base application uses standard jdk ssl api. simplify keystore management have 2 trust keystore files merged. 1 oracle jdk ($java_home/lib/security/cacerts) , 1 specific company. in java 8 possible use multiple keystores using dks keystore type.

i've configured ssl-keystore-test.dks following content:

domain app1 {      keystore app1-truststore          keystoretype="jks"          keystoreuri="file:///opt/myapp/testkeystore.jks";       keystore system-truststore          keystoreuri="${java.home}/lib/security/cacerts";   }; 

when try list certificates keystore receive following error:

# /opt/jdk1.8/jre/bin/keytool -list -keystore ssl-keystore-test.dks -storetype dks -storepass changeit keytool error: java.lang.unsupportedoperationexception: keystore must loaded using domainloadstoreparameter 

what proper way merge @ runtime 2 keystores if not have access change application?

looks dks keystore type can use programmatically. think you'll have manually merge 2 keystores. @ keytool -importkeystore command, copies keys 1 keystore another.


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