python - How to use Beautiful Soup's find() instead of find_all() for better runtime -

i writing webscraper using python's bs4. trying find first image has attribute 'data-a-dynamic-image'. far have code below, , works. but, prefer only use find() not find_all. because care first item on page attribute. don't want use find_all , waste time sifting through entire webpage.

def siftimage(soup):     try:         line in soup.find_all('img'):             if line not none:                 if line.has_attr('data-a-dynamic-image'):                     return line['src']      except:         return 'no image ' 

this second function made return result want, if first image on page image want, otherwise return nothing. but, has runtime looking for.

def siftimagetwo(soup):     try:         line = soup.find('img'):         if line.has_attr('data-a-dynamic-image'):             return line['src']      except:         return 'no image ' 

i looking way have functionality of top script timing of bottom script.

according official documentation there way search custom data-* attributes.
should try this:

line = soup.find('img', attrs={'data-a-dynamic-image': true}) 


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