android - How can i save the image taken from camera intent to be used as a profile image? -

in app user can take image camera , use profile picture. works, except when user leaves app , returns image isn't there anymore. how can save image stay there when user exits app?

code camera intent:

intent cameraintent = new intent(android.provider.mediastore.action_image_capture);              startactivityforresult(cameraintent, camera_request);  

and onactivityresult:

protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {       if (requestcode == camera_request) {           bitmap photo = (bitmap) data.getextras().get("data");          getlayoutinflater().inflate(r.layout.custon_header,null);         imageview profimg = (imageview) findviewbyid(;         profimg.setimagebitmap(photo); 

could please assist me this?



only returns thumbnail of image on low quality. have specify on camera intent location image saved:

file outputfile = new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory() +"/myoutput.jpg");  intent cameraintent = new intent(android.provider.mediastore.action_image_capture);      cameraintent.putextra(intent.extra_output,outputfile.getabsolutepath());  startactivityforresult(cameraintent, camera_request); 

and on activityresult, use outputfile bitmap:

bitmap = bitmapfactory.decodefile(outputfile.getabsolutepath()); 


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