qt5 - How to select file from MainMenu in Qt? -

i load text files folder mainmenu in qt application.

void mainwindow::loadfilestomainmenu() {   qstring pathtodir("/myfiles");    qdiriterator it(pathtodir, qstringlist() << "*.txt", qdir::files, qdiriterator::subdirectories);   while (it.hasnext()) {     qstring curpathname = it.next();      qstringlist filesegments = curpathname.split('/');     qstring curfilename = filesegments.at(filesegments.size() - 1);      qaction* action = new qaction(tr(curfilename.tostdstring().c_str()), this);      action->setstatustip(tr(curpathname.tostdstring().c_str()));     ui->menufilelist->addaction(action);      // if new style selected?     connect(action, signal(triggered()), this, slot(onloadfile()));   } } 

there create qactions files in folder 'myfiles' , connect these each of these ations slot onloadfile():

void mainwindow::onloadfile() {   qaction *action = qobject_cast<qaction *>(sender());   if (action)   {     qdebug() << " onloadfile " << action->data().tostring();   } } 

so each time select 1 of files in mainmenu, slot triggered, debug message says:

onloadfile ""

when instance select /myfiles/file1.txt

onloadfile "/myfiles/file1.txt"

wham missing? thanx in advance

the answer @m.s. solves question well...

you should use qaction::setdata() before trying read data – m.s


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