mvc 4 - Check if email id is windows live id or not -

i developing mvc4 application , want authenticate application using windows live id. have developed page can invite users, want check if user's email id windows live id or not?

i have tried different things, validating whether email id gmail id or not.

i have tried below code. working gmail, not windows live id

            tcpclient tclient = new tcpclient("", 25);             string crlf = "\r\n";             byte[] databuffer;             string responsestring;             networkstream netstream = tclient.getstream();             streamreader reader = new streamreader(netstream);             responsestring = reader.readline();             /* perform helo smtp server , response */             databuffer = bytesfromstring("helo kirtanhere" + crlf);             netstream.write(databuffer, 0, databuffer.length);             responsestring = reader.readline();             databuffer = bytesfromstring("mail from:<>" + crlf);             netstream.write(databuffer, 0, databuffer.length);             responsestring = reader.readline();             /* read response of rcpt message know google if exist or not */             databuffer = bytesfromstring("rcpt to:<" + email.trim() + ">" + crlf);             netstream.write(databuffer, 0, databuffer.length);             responsestring = reader.readline();             if (getresponsecode(responsestring) == 550)             {                 isexist = false;                 //response.write("mai address not exist !<br/><br/>");                 //response.write("<b><font color='red'>original error smtp server :</font></b>" + responsestring);             }             /* quite connection */             databuffer = bytesfromstring("quite" + crlf);             netstream.write(databuffer, 0, databuffer.length);             tclient.close(); 

is there other way can achieve this?

it depends on how choose authenticate users. if using microsoft apps 2.0 authentication live account has 'tid' claim of ""9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad" while work or school accounts have unique 'tid' claims.

you can view question more information: how determine if email address microsoft 'work or school' account or microsoft account


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