java - Issue with sounds in libgdx -

i having issues libgdx sound inside clicklistener button. getting error syntax error on token "playbuttonsound", identifier expected after token


import utils.constants;  import com.badlogic.gdx.gdx; import; import;  public class soundmanager {      private static sound buttonsound =;     private static music song =;      public static void playmusic() {         song.setlooping(true);         song.setvolume(0.2f);;     }      public static void playbuttonsound() {;     }      public void destryoaudio() {         buttonsound.dispose();         song.dispose();      } } 

and mainmenu:

public class mainmenu implements screen {      private stage stage;     private sprite sprite;     private textureregion menubackgroundimg;     private textureatlas menubutton;     private skin skin;     private bitmapfont font;     private table table;     private textbutton playbutton;      @override     public void show() {         // set stage         stage = new stage();         gdx.input.setinputprocessor(stage);          soundmanager.playmusic();          // set menu baggrund         menubackgroundimg = new textureregion(new texture(gdx.files.internal(constants.menubackgroundimg)));         sprite = new sprite(menubackgroundimg);         sprite.setsize(,;          // set menuknapper               menubutton = new textureatlas(constants.menubutton);         skin = new skin(menubutton);          // set font         font = new bitmapfont(constants.font, false);          // set table         table = new table(skin);         table.setbounds(0, 0,,;          // create button styling         textbuttonstyle textbuttonstyle = new textbuttonstyle();         textbuttonstyle.up = skin.getdrawable("menubuttonup");         textbuttonstyle.down = skin.getdrawable("menubuttonpressed");         textbuttonstyle.pressedoffsetx = 1;         textbuttonstyle.pressedoffsety = -1;         textbuttonstyle.font = font;         textbuttonstyle.fontcolor =;          // create buttons         playbutton = new textbutton(, textbuttonstyle);         playbutton.addlistener(new inputlistener() {             soundmanager.playbuttonsound(); // error         });          // button padding         playbutton.pad(20, 100, 20, 100);          // setting table         table.add(playbutton).row();          // setting stage actor         stage.addactor(table);           }      @override     public void render(float delta) {, 0, 0, 1);;          // tegn baggrund         stage.getbatch().begin();         sprite.draw(stage.getbatch());         stage.getbatch().end();          // tegn resten         stage.act(delta);         stage.draw();      } 


    @override     public void dispose() {         stage.dispose();         menubutton.dispose();         skin.dispose();         font.dispose();     }  } 

i can't grasp doing wrong , search error gives vague answers dosen't solves issue.

p.s. have imported soundmanager left out due length of code snippet.

you need implement 1 of inputlistener interface methods, touchdown(inputevent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button).

check out api inputlistener. lists methods , gives pretty example.

playbutton.addlistener(new inputlistener() {     public boolean touchdown (inputevent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {         soundmanager.playbuttonsound();         return false;     } }); 


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