java - How does the sort() method of the Collection class call the Comparable's compareTo()? -

suppose want sort list of employee objects:

employee emp1 = new employee("abhijit", 10); employee emp2 = new employee("aniket", 5); employee emp3 = new employee("chirag", 15);  list<employee> employees = new arraylist<employee>(); employees.add(emp1); employees.add(emp2); employees.add(emp3); collections.sort(employees); system.out.println("sorted list is: "+employees); 

and employee class implements comparable, therefore must override compareto() method.
, have write sorting logic in compareto() method.

class employee implements comparable<employee> {     string name;     int empid;     public employee(string name, int empid)     { name;         this.empid = empid;     }     public string getname()     {         return name;     }     public void setname(string name)     { = name;     }     public int getempid()     {         return empid;     }     public void setempid(int empid)     {         this.empid = empid;     }     @override     public int compareto(employee e)     {         // todo auto-generated method stub         return this.empid > e.empid ? 1 : (this.empid < e.empid ? -1 : 0);         //return 0;     }     @override     public string tostring()     {         return string.valueof(empid);     } } 

how sort() call compareto() method internally?

please see open jdk source codes. guess helps.


132     public static <t extends comparable<? super t>> void more     ...sort(list<t> list) { 133         object[] = list.toarray(); 134         arrays.sort(a); 135         listiterator<t> = list.listiterator(); 136         (int j=0; j<a.length; j++) { 137   ; 138             i.set((t)a[j]); 139         } 140     } 

collections sort calls arrays.sort


1218    public static <t> void more ...sort(t[] a, comparator<? super t> c)   { 1219        t[] aux = (t[])a.clone(); 1220        if (c==null) 1221            mergesort(aux, a, 0, a.length, 0); 1222        else 1223            mergesort(aux, a, 0, a.length, 0, c); 1224    } 

arrays.sort calls arrays.mergesort , answer on line 1157.

1145 1146    private static void more ...mergesort(object[] src, 1147                                  object[] dest, 1148                                  int low, 1149                                  int high, 1150                                  int off) { 1151        int length = high - low; 1152 1153        // insertion sort on smallest arrays 1154        if (length < insertionsort_threshold) { 1155            (int i=low; i<high; i++) 1156                (int j=i; j>low && 1157                         ((comparable) dest[j-1]).compareto(dest[j])>0; j--) 1158                    swap(dest, j, j-1); 1159            return; 1160        } 1161 1162        // recursively sort halves of dest src 1163        int destlow  = low; 1164        int desthigh = high; 1165        low  += off; 1166        high += off; 1167        int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; 1168        mergesort(dest, src, low, mid, -off); 1169        mergesort(dest, src, mid, high, -off); 1170 1171        // if list sorted, copy src dest.  1172        // optimization results in faster sorts ordered lists. 1173        if (((comparable)src[mid-1]).compareto(src[mid]) <= 0) { 1174            system.arraycopy(src, low, dest, destlow, length); 1175            return; 1176        } 1177 1178        // merge sorted halves (now in src) dest 1179        for(int = destlow, p = low, q = mid; < desthigh; i++) { 1180            if (q >= high || p < mid && ((comparable)src[p]).compareto(src[q])<=0) 1181                dest[i] = src[p++]; 1182            else 1183                dest[i] = src[q++]; 1184        } 1185    } 


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