datetimepicker - disable selection of past months and enable selection on future month and date in materialdatetimepicker in android -
integrating library in android app,here code select date , time.i'm able implement enabling future date in month , disable past date in month want implement disable option past months , enable selection option future code
private void selectdate() { final timepickerdialog timepickerdialog12h = timepickerdialog .newinstance(new ontimesetlistener() { @override public void ontimeset(radialpickerlayout view, int hourofday, int minute) { object c = pad3(hourofday); selectedtime = new stringbuilder() .append(pad2(hourofday)).append(":") .append(pad(minute)).append(c); string str_date = selecteddate.tostring() + " " + selectedtime + ""; string str_date_current = currentdate.tostring() + " " + mcalendar.get(calendar.hour_of_day) + ":" + mcalendar.get(calendar.minute); dateformat formatter = new simpledateformat( "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm aa"); dateformat formatter2 = new simpledateformat( "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm"); dateformat myformat = new simpledateformat( "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"); try { string reformattedstr = myformat.format(formatter .parse(str_date)); // date date=formatter.parse(str_date); string reformattedstr2 = myformat.format(formatter2 .parse(str_date_current)); date = (date) myformat.parse(reformattedstr); date date2 = (date) myformat.parse(reformattedstr2); if (date2.before(date)) { bookappointment(); } else { selectdate(); toast.maketext( chatthread.this, "we wish go in past ;)", toast.length_short).show(); } system.out.println("today " + date.gettime()); } catch (parseexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } } }, mcalendar.get(calendar.hour_of_day), mcalendar .get(calendar.minute), false); datepickerdialog = datepickerdialog.newinstance( new ondatesetlistener() { public void ondateset(datepickerdialog datepickerdialog, int year, int month, int day) { selecteddate = new stringbuilder().append(pad(day)) .append("-") .append(mcalendar.get(calendar.month) + 1) .append("-") .append(mcalendar.get(calendar.year)); currentdate = new stringbuilder() .append(mcalendar.get(calendar.day_of_month)) .append("-").append(pad(month + 1)).append("-") .append(pad(year)); dateformat format = new simpledateformat("dd-mm-yyyy"); try { date date1 = format.parse(selecteddate.tostring()); date date2 = format.parse(currentdate.tostring()); calendar cal = calendar.getinstance(); cal.settime(date2); datepickerdialog.setmindate(cal); if (date2.equals(date1) || date2.compareto(date1)<0) {, ""); } else { selectdate(); toast.maketext( chatthread.this, "we wish go in past ;)", toast.length_short).show(); } } catch (parseexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } } }, mcalendar.get(calendar.year), mcalendar.get(calendar.month), mcalendar.get(calendar.day_of_month)); // datepickerdialog.oncreatedialog(savedinstancestate), "tag"); }
to achieve in materialdatetimepicker should set minimum date
calendar cal = calendar.getinstance(); cal.get(calendar.year); cal.get(calendar.month); cal.get(calendar.day_of_month); dpd.setmindate(cal);
so datepickerdialog below code
datepickerdialog dpd = datepickerdialog.newinstance( addtask.this, calendar.get(calendar.year), calendar.get(calendar.month), calendar.get(calendar.day_of_month) ); dpd.setthemedark(true); dpd.vibrate(true); dpd.dismissonpause(true); dpd.showyearpickerfirst(false); calendar cal = calendar.getinstance(); cal.get(calendar.year); cal.get(calendar.month); cal.get(calendar.day_of_month); dpd.setmindate(cal); dpd.setaccentcolor(getresources().getcolor(r.color.dark_orange)); dpd.settitle("date picker");, "date picker");
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