Get IMSI Number of Android Dual SIM device -

i using android api

public static string get_imsi_number(context context) {     telephonymanager tel = (telephonymanager) context             .getsystemservice(context.telephony_service);     return tel.getsubscriberid(); } 

to imsi number.

but unfortunately not getting imsi number if device dual sim , returning "null" always.

i want imsi number of device( dual sim )

case 1: need read imsi numbers if device inserted 2 sims in it's 2 slots

case 2: need read imsi number if device inserted 1 sim in it's first slot , second slot left unused/blank

case 3: need read imsi number if device inserted 1 sim in it's second slot , first slot left unused/blank

i followed link "android : check whether phone dual sim" not worked.

can 1 me sort out.

note:the solution should work in android 4.0 , above versions , in vendors(samsung,motorola,htc,karbon etc).

thanks in advance.


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