mysql - Select TOP 1 from the result set -

i retrieve top 1 value of result set of query connected using union

select top 1 * (     select paused_time end_time         production_time         created_time = curdate()     union      select resumed_time end_time         pause_timer         created_time = curdate()     union     select end_time end_time         timer_idle         created_time = curdate() ) end_time order end_time desc  

but not expected result.

there no top keyword in mysql far aware. require limit:

select * (     select paused_time end_time production_time created_time = curdate()     union      select resumed_time end_time  pause_timer created_time = curdate()     union     select end_time end_time  timer_idle created_time = curdate() ) end_time order end_time desc  limit 1 


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