MIPS Compiler local variables -

i'm writing tinyc compiler translates mips assembly. i'm stuck question how implement local variable handling. following example makes hard think of proper solution:

int* funca() {     int = 3;     return &a; }  int main() {     return *(funca()); } 

normally create local variable on stack. in case 'int a' created on stack. problem in end want return address of 'a' , not value &a. in moment leave 'funca()' reset stack old state , pointer return in end not valid anymore , show later nirvana.

my first attempt handle registers, &-operator translate this:

    .globl funca funca:     addiu   $sp, $sp, -4  # save return address     sw      $ra, ($sp)     addiu   $sp, $sp, -4  # save reg use further processing     sw      $s0, ($sp)     addiu   $t0, $zero, 3 # $t0 = , add 3     la      $s0, ($t0)     la      $t0, ($s0)     sw      $t1, ($t0)    # crashes here     la      $v0, ($t1)    # put result in $v0     lw      $s0, ($sp)     addiu   $sp, $sp, 4   # restore stack     lw      $ra, ($sp)     addiu   $sp, $sp, 4     jr      $ra           # jump 

it crash in marked line because destination register doesn't have address store something. 1 idea to create datasegment every local variable, overhead , wouldn't work recursive functions.

does have proper solution how handle local variables if return address local variable , not value?

any appreciated!

the primary issue running example c starting not code. same issue trying implement code in mips exists in original, c code. should never create local variable within function , try return address. local variable held in register or on stack , data wiped out.

for example, wrote bit of code in c illustrate , compiled mingw32-gcc:

int* funca() {     int = 3;     return &a; }  int main (void) {     int * mypointer;      mypointer = funca();      return 0; } 

the compiler produces warning:

warning: function returns address of local variable


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