Login during splashscreen with Xamarin iOS/Android using MvvmCross -

when xamarin app starts, try automatically login user based on stored credentials.

the login works, during startup splash-screen disappears second or 2 showing black screen.

when disable auto-login feature, splash-screen smoothly transfers next view.

here code:

    public async void start(object hint = null)     {         _securestorageservice = mvx.resolve<isecurestorageservice>();          clearparametercacheuponstart();         setpushtokenrequirement();           var loginservice = mvx.resolve<iloginservice>();          var stopwatch = stopwatch.startnew();         debug.writeline("start loginservice");         if (hasusernameandpassword() && await loginservice.tryloginwithstoredcredentials())         {             showviewmodel<dashboardviewmodel>();         }         else         {             showviewmodel<loginviewmodel>(true);         }          stopwatch.stop();         debug.writeline("finished loginservice: {0}ms", stopwatch.elapsedmilliseconds);     } 

is right place login user? or there better solutions xamarin-mvvmcross project.

thanks in advance.


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