Can't find Visual Studio Code on windows 8.1 not in start screen -

just installed visual studio code, , noticed can't find searching in start screen.

the default installation location in %appdata%, default isn't indexed windows.

what's solution this? i've read adding %appdata% indexing can slow down considerably because of sheer number of files there.

i experienced same thing on windows 10, , learned:

i found it's in: c:\users\ username \appdata\local\code\ appversion \code.exe

where username username on computer, , appversion version of code installed (example, folder app-0.5.0 in c:\users\user1\appdata\local\code\app-0.5.0\code.exe

i right-clicked on code.exe , chose "pin start" , can launch vs code start menu.

what's stranger (to me), code installed user directory of user account i'm not logged @ moment. have user1 , user2. i'm logged in user1. code installed in user2's appdata directory!


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