CodeSign error: entitlements are required for product type 'Static Library' in SDK 'Simulator - iOS 8.4'. Your Xcode installation may be damaged -

i couldn't figure 1 out

in xcode have run script build phase runs "xcodebuild" test project on simulator. when run following line in script:

xcodebuild -workspace augury.xcworkspace -scheme "augury - production" -destination "platform=ios simulator,name=iphone 5s" test 

it fails following message:

=== build target pods-fmdb of project pods configuration debug === check dependencies codesign error: entitlements required product type 'static library' in sdk 'simulator - ios 8.4'. xcode installation may damaged. === build target pods-raven of project pods configuration debug ===  check dependencies codesign error: entitlements required product type 'static library' in sdk 'simulator - ios 8.4'. xcode installation may damaged. === build target pods-cpanimationsequence of project pods configuration debug ===  check dependencies codesign error: entitlements required product type 'static library' in sdk 'simulator - ios 8.4'. xcode installation may damaged. === build target pods-mbprogresshud of project pods configuration debug ===  check dependencies codesign error: entitlements required product type 'static library' in sdk 'simulator - ios 8.4'. xcode installation may damaged. testing failed: codesign error: entitlements required product type 'static library' in sdk 'simulator - ios 8.4'. xcode installation may damaged.  ** test failed ** following build commands failed:  check dependencies check dependencies check dependencies check dependencies (4 failures) 

i've tried various suggestions , non worked:

  • i tried running "xcodebuild install" & "xcodebuild build" , fails same messsage

  • following of suggestion in other questions asked here tried reinstalling xcode didn't either

fyi: when run same code in terminal directly in runs fine, when run xcodebuild test actual device in destination runs fine

i appreciate help

maybe it's same one.

code signing required product type unit test bundle in sdk ios 8.0

hope answer marked right 1 can you.


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