
Showing posts from July, 2012

Entity Framework 6 inverting column order for composite foreign keys -

i'm getting error: (15,10) : error 3015: problem in mapping fragments starting @ lines 6, 15: foreign key constraint 'beta_alpha' table beta (alpha_2, alpha_1) table alpha (alpha_1, alpha_2):: insufficient mapping: foreign key must mapped associationset or entitysets participating in foreign key association on conceptual side. the key information composite foreign key in beta (alpha_2, alpha_1) has columns inverted, alpha_2 first , alpha_1 second. appears bug in entity framework. here entities: public class alpha { [key, column(order = 1)] public string alpha_1 { get; set; } [key, column(order = 2)] public string alpha_2 { get; set; } } public class beta { [key, column(order = 1)] public string beta_1 { get; set; } [key, column(order = 2)] public string alpha_2 { get; set; } [required] public string alpha_1 { get; set; } [foreignkey("alpha_1, alpha_2")] public virtual alpha alpha { get; set; } } note

cq5 - How to invoke a workflow providing data/arguments using Java API -

i've followed , can invoke workflow using java api. i'm trying tweak example can start workflow metadatamap containing key value pairs steps work with. log message prints key , value sets. steps in workflow not have data. how pass metadatamap workflow when starting java api? @override public string startworkflow(string workflowname, string workflowcontent, metadatamap metamap) { try { //invoke adaptto method create session resourceresolver resourceresolver = writeservice.getresolver(); session = resourceresolver.adaptto(session.class); //create workflow session workflowsession wfsession = workflowservice.getworkflowsession(session); // workflow model workflowmodel wfmodel = wfsession.getmodel(workflowname); // workflow data // first param in newworkflowdata method payloadtype.

c# - I can't get back my visual studio project -

in last few days programing project in visual studio express 2013. saved last night. today, cant view properly. can't view designer mode or view coding. help. when open project, shows me files on solution explorer, nothing on main screen. how can go moment able program after click open project? when click on form1.cs , chose view designer happens : there no editor available filename.cs make sure application file type (.cs) installed . need please. code in c# repeat of this: "there no editor available for" can't open .cs you know, google friend times these.

openbravo - Is there somewhere to be found a complete list of default accounts for PR15Q2.2 or an updated Generic Charts of Accounts file for version PR15Q2.2? -

i working on creating new charts of accounts file. started working coa file here: , using guide: when @ file , guide there difference when comes standard accounts. these not in guide on web in file: "cb_expense_acct" "cb_receipt_acct" "ch_expense_acct" , these not in generic charts of accounts file in guide on web: p_cogs_return_acct p_revenue_return_acct t_credit_trans_acct t_due_trans_acct there somewhere found complete list of default accounts pr15q2.2 or updated generic charts of accounts file version pr15q2.2? i'd recommend use testing spreadsheet openbravo. information in wiki indeed confusing, in spreadsheet can paste own coa , debug until no errors shown:

c# - Call stored procedure in a Linq-to-Entities query -

i using ef 6 & visual studio 13 free community. i using database-first approach in current project. i created sql server db project , added project work ef i created tables & stored procedures. after added db project created class procedure_name_result , need use linq queries in project don't know how call in query, or if recognize can't see in uploaded db edit both answers able know how call in linq query var query = x y select new { elemnt, var_inside_query = db.procedure_name(@params) }; i use northwind database sample project. using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; namespace ef_sp { class program { static void main(string[] args) { using (var context = new northwindentities()) { var results = context.getsalesbycategory("seafood", "1998");

Qt signal/slots - consume signal in one of many slots? -

is there way consume future slots (and stop them executing) in 1 of many slots connected same signal? my goal here emit signal message many qobjects , consume (stopping iteration future slots) when qobject in message belongs finds it. from understand in qt documentation : if several slots connected 1 signal, slots executed 1 after other, in order have been connected, when signal emitted. i want able stop process within slot. suggestions? no, there's no way it, , should not think of way. sender should perform same no matter number of slots connected signal. that's basic contract of signal-slot mechanism: sender decoupled from, , unaware of, receiver. what you're trying qualified dispatch: there multiple receivers, , each receiver can process 1 or more message types. 1 way of implementing follows: emit (signal) qevent . lets maintain signal-slot decoupling between transmitter , receiver(s). the event can consumed custom event dispatcher kn

javascript - checkbox value within submit button -

so tough describe cannot figure out, feel close however! basically have list of things, need organised. lets pretend books, have these books, information on them (author, length, title, genre). if wanted search array of books comedic books. tick comedy tickbox , hit search. i have gotten work easily! tricky part search straight away when selected, javascript searches through checkboxes see checkboxes selected before runs code eliminates answers irrelevant. needs checkbox value submitted. is there way can have image functions button, carries value of checkbox...??? so far have gotten close: <div class="wells"> <input type="image" value="comedy" src="img/pieces/comedy.png" alt="comedy" onclick="myfunction()" checked> </div> i know myfunction works , told. literally need value of checkbox used submit button. the long way this: <img class="imgcomedy" src="img

css - How to disable the scrolling of the body when the navbar collapse is active -

using bootstrap 3, facing problem disabling body scroll when collapsible nav-bar menu open in mobile devices. when collapse menu open , if swipe on it, background element starts scrolling don't want. want background element should not scroll when swipe on collapsible menu. same problem seen in desktops. one way accomplish css disable overflow of html , body elements. html, body {margin: 0; height: 100%; overflow: hidden} <!-- example html create scrollbar --> a<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> b<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> c<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> d<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> you create class called no-scroll , apply html , body when open menu. remove cla

javascript - Generating a nodes path from an unordered list -

i have following list of data: which set html: <ul id='tree'> <li data-id="1" data-parent="0"> home <ul> <li data-id="2" data-parent="1"> <ul> <li data-id="4" data-parent="2"> </li> </ul> </li> <li data-id="3" data-parent="1"> contact <ul> <li data-id="5" data-parent="3"> employees <ul> <li data-id="6" data-parent="5"> full-time </li> <li data-id="7" data-parent="5&

java - Levenshtein Distance-like algorithm for diffing in-memory objects? -

java 8 here, though answer should apply lang. i have problem need compare objects, say, widgets , , produce "diff" between them: is, set of steps that, if followed, transform 1 widget (the source ) other (the target ). class widget { // properties , such. } class widgetdiffer extends differ<widget> { list<transformation> diff(widget source, widget target) { // produced list convert source target, if executed // runtime. } } class widgettransformer extends transformer<widget> { @override widget transformsourcetotarget(widget source, list<transformation> transforms) { // somehow, run 'transforms' on 'source', *should* // produce object same state/properties // original target. } } i aware of levenshtein distance algorithm string transformations, but: that's strings, not widgets ; and it gives integer (# of transformations required turn sink target), wher

tabs - Why isn't my jQuery script working? -

$(document).ready(function(){ $('.footer-item').hover(function(){ $(this).addclass(active); $('.footer-item active').removeclass('active'); }); }); basically want script change class on active icon looks more transparent, , icon being hovered on made more transparent adding class. you have couple issues code. you need remove active class first, otherwise adding active, , removing (essentially doing "nothing".) 'active' in addclass should string. the correct selector element footer-item , active class '' $(document).ready(function(){ $('.footer-item').hover(function(){ $('').removeclass('active'); $(this).addclass('active'); }); }); $(document).ready(function(){ $('.footer-item').hover(function(){ $('').removeclass('active'); $(this).addclass('act

javascript - Variable outside function scope -

i have function reads json document, daynames , monthnames visible outside function, date format isn't. inside function correctly prints value outside doesn't update outside value. why dateformat doesn't update outside function? var daynames = []; var monthnames = []; var dateformat = ""; $.getjson("/scripts/cldr/main/"+ culture + "/ca-gregorian.json", function (json) { $.each(json.main.@(, function (key, val) { daynames.push(val); }); $.each(json.main.@(["stand-alone"].wide, function (key, val) { monthnames.push(val); }); dateformat = json.main.@(; console.log(dateformat); //output: y-mm-dd }); co

SQL query with operator between and date in a strange format -

i have column in table stores date in format (dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss). e.g.: 05-06-15 01:02:03 i need output instance records have date between 4th , 5th of june, tried: select * table date between '04-06-15 00:00:00' , '05-06-15 23:59:59' but output results different month, as: 05-07-15 14:52:34 is there way use single query solving issue or have change database date format? select * table str_to_date(date,'%d-%m-%y %t') between '2015-06-05 00:00:00' , '2015-06-5 23:59:59';

android - I can not make a view clickable -

i have simple xml layout this <relativelayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="50dp" android:background="#404040" > <imageview android:id="@+id/imageview1" android:layout_width="20dp" android:layout_height="20dp" android:layout_marginbottom="15dp" android:layout_marginleft="10dp" android:layout_margintop="15dp" android:onclick="clickback" android:src="@drawable/btn_arrow_back" /> <textview android:id="@+id/btn_back" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"

how to delete one or more spaces at the end of a filename using windows powershell regex? -

i have directory containing lot of files missformated filenames. of them have "spaces" right @ end of filename. others have keywords meshed within filename @ end of filename string. example "xxx xxx xxx somewordeng .txt" im trying rid of them using script, wont yet. spaces @ end of filename (basename) still there , "eng" keyword somehow added word before: dir | rename-item -newname { $_.basename.replace("eng$","").replace(" {2,}"," ").replace("\s$","") + $_.extension } .replace("eng$","") supposed remove "eng" keyword if appears @ end of filename (basename), seems not working far. .replace(" {2,}"," ") supposed replace 2 or more following spaces 1 space within filename, seems not working far. .replace("\s$","") supposed remove spaces @ end of filename, not work neither. i searched powershell regex examples, s

django - Using Python-social-auth the social-user is not being set in the pipeline -

attributeerror @ /complete/google-oauth2/ 'nonetype' object has no attribute 'provider' this happens new or registered user @ line , new problem. appeared when playing around custom pipeline worked before, reverting basic python-social-auth set doesn't work. even reloaded database , refreshed syncdb. (this django 1.4.20, old project we're upgrading). the problem clear, wherever in default pipeline social-user meant set on user not working, don't understand python-social-auth code enough , going around in circles here. pointers or appreciated here. the 500 appears in stack trace in case it's help. [23/jul/2015 12:00:32] "get /complete/google-oauth2/?state=mrfnoqg6cv5cmb1xqdcp53c33ddrff7c&code=4/2bgjgygxftqb2c10binigkiggfy4znosybqyhbudlgo&authuser=0&prompt=consent&session_state=4c6c24bdd3100a506c4744be8ab9b793ed6399d5..a5f9 http/1.1" 500 1

mysql - Create table from a previous prepared statemt -

hi i've got part of more complex query: prepare stmt @sql; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; rather executing stmt want create table result of execute. create table select * (execute stmt) gives me error edit: here's entire stuff: use catdatabase; set session group_concat_max_len = 1000000; set @sql = null; select group_concat(distinct concat('sum(case when columna = "' ,columna, '"then 1 else 0 end) "' ,columna, '"')) @sql tableb; set @sql = concat('select columnb, count(*) total, ', @sql, ' tablea inner join tableb on tablea.columnc = tableb.columne tablea.columnd <> "catpoop" group columnb'); prepare stmt @sql; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; as can see want pivot data , wants save temporary table. have updated query, please check out this: use catdatabase; set session group_concat_max_len = 1000000; set

phpexcel - Speed of PHP Excel -

i hope mark baker can me: seems redundant have simplest need of php excel , isn't working. need read in .xlsx , .xls files submitted user (internal admin site). library incredibly slow unusable right now. can read massive .csv files in no time (with own code) 20 row x 30 column excel file taking on 30 seconds , close minute read. i've tried using examples , in reading on many stack overflow questions, many people have same issue. isn't "loader" issue i'm not using loader. i have 3 lines of code in particular: $inputfiletype = phpexcel_iofactory::identify($inputfilename); $objreader = phpexcel_iofactory::createreader($inputfiletype); $objphpexcel = $objreader->load($inputfilename); it 3rd line of code slow every time. is there i'm missing? missing? there reason slow? any appreciated. thanks! -scott if users can upload files of size, after optimizing current code (and others suggested bunch of things), you'll potentially end s

java - Hashmap's getValue returns Object -

i've got following data structure: cfu66=[{bild1=cfu6606}, {bild2=cfu6603}, {bild3=cfu6605}, {bild4=cfu6601}, {bild5=cfu6602}] structure: hashmap_1(string key, list(hashmap_2(string key, string value))) i'm trying access values hashmap_2 : // each hashmap_1 entry (map.entry<string, list> csvdictentry : csvdict.entryset()) { // each list in entry.getvalue (list<hashmap> hashlist : csvdictentry.getvalue()) { // each hashmap_2 in list (hashmap<string, string> hashlistdict : hashlist) { // each entry in hashmap_2 print value (map.entry<string, string> entry :hashlistdict.entryset()){ system.out.println(entry.getvalue()); } } } } the compiler gives message, csvdictentry.getvalue() in second for-loop returns object instead of hashmap . why? however, i'm pretty new java , i'm sure there more convenient way this. based on for (map.entry<string, list> csvd

android - FFmpegMediaPlayer: findLibrary returned null -

i use in application, android device throw exception: java.lang.exceptionininitializererror @ ru.mypackage.playservice.initplayer( @ ru.mypackage.playservice.oncreate( @ @$2500( @$h.handlemessage( @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( @ android.os.looper.loop( @ @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method) @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( @$ @ @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) caused by: java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: couldn't load avutil: find

getopt - is it possible to use getopt_long to parse arrays of strings similar to command line arguments in a C program? -

i aware getopt should used parse command line arguments, , not strings. however, confused fact if pass array of strings "looks like" argv variable, getopt_long seems work, only first time call it . second, , subsequent times, call it ignores arguments , returns default ones. the reason doing turning application used take command line arguments in "interactive" version of asks user arguments, actions based on arguments, asks more arguments , on. the following code minimal example reproduces error #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <getopt.h> struct input_parameters{ char * d; // data set }; int solver_help(int argc, char* const argv[], struct input_parameters * p) { int c; p->d = "default name"; while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"data", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* getopt_long stores option ind

regex - List files in R that do NOT match a pattern -

r has function list files in directory, list.files() . comes optional parameter pattern= list files match pattern. files in directory data : file1.csv file2.csv new_file1.csv new_file2.csv list.files(path="data", pattern="new_") results in [1] "new_file1.csv" "new_file2.csv" . but how can invert search, i.e. list file1.csv , file2.csv ? i belive have yourself, list.files not support perl regex (so couldn't pattern=^(?!new_) ). i.e. list files filter them grep : grep(list.files(path="data"), pattern='new_', inv=t, value=t) the grep(...) pattern matching; inv=t inverts match; value=t returns values of matches (i.e. filenames) rather indices of matches.

hive - How do I get the latest record? -

this table: create table test ( id string, name string, age string, modified string) and data: id name age modifed 1 10 2011-11-11 11:11:11 1 11 2012-11-11 12:00:00 2 b 20 2012-12-10 10:11:12 2 b 20 2012-12-10 10:11:12 2 b 20 2012-12-12 10:11:12 2 b 20 2012-12-15 10:11:12 i want latest record (include every columns id,name,age,modified) group id,as data above,the correct result is: 1 11 2012-11-11 12:00:00 2 b 20 2012-12-15 10:11:12 i using below query in hive, working fine in sql!2/bfbd5/42 not working fine in hive select * test (id, modified) in(select id, max(modified) test group id) i using 0.13 version of hive. hive allows 1 column in in subquery. try left semijoin: select * test left semi join (select id, max(modified) modified test) b on (a.modified = b.modified ,; it sure seems right answer using straight forward q

json - encode_json with PHP and foreach issue -

i have php code pull database entries, , put them multi-dimensional array. need exact format, , cannot figure out how loop foreach. $res = $globals["database"]->result("select * test"); $json = array ( "data" => array ( "entry" => array ( array ( "player" => $res["id"], "reason" => $res["reason"], "postedtimestamp" => $res["posted"], "postedlong" => $postedlong ) ) ) ); i cannot figure out put foreach, want loop through , pull entries , create new 'entry' each entry in db finds. why not: $data = array("data"=>array("entry"=>array())); foreach($res $r){ $data['data']['entry'][] = ar

css - Inner Shadow getting aliased when skewed -

as shown in pic, inset shadow becomes aliased when use -webkit-transform: skew(10deg); it occurs both on chrome , in firefox, there work-around? screen print: #blockoutside { background-color: #cfcfcf; padding: 5px; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; height: 25px; width: 15px; -webkit-transform: skew(10deg); } #blockinside { background-color: gray; width: 100%; height: 100%; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 5px black; } <div id="blockoutside"> <div id="blockinside"></div> </div> this due transform getting applied on parent element. there no way rid of can remove significant extent making back-face hidden , adding translatez(0) (like mentioned in woodrow barlow's comment ). transform not cause undesired effects because translating 0px. backface-visibility: hidden; transform: skew(10deg) translatez(0); /* translatez(0) added */ not

excel - SUM values based on date in date range in array -

i'm realy newbie in excel , need make advanced functions i have excel (from google calendar) booking system b c 12-01-2012 14-01-2012 8 13-01-2012 17-01-2012 11 15-01-2012 21-01-2012 3 a - start date b - end date c - number of guests now need sum number of guest days in year , find every days more 10 reservations. for example, need return 12-01-2012 - 08 guests 13-01-2012 - 19 guests 14-01-2012 - 19 guests 15-01-2012 - 14 guests may without creating large excel file days combinations? , how? i'm working on excel 2013. this can done quite using sumifs function. first need put each date in column d (set first date care manually, in d2 below, =d1+1 , copy down). count people each of days, put in e1 , drag down: =sumifs(c:c, a:a, ">="&d1, b:b,"<="&d1) this sum passengers listed in column c (must formatted numbers, not text - looks might have text values in there), i

windows - VLC doesn't play video with Dokan -

i'm using dokany version of dokan, mount disk on system. i've managed implement necessary callbacks os able work dokan disk's files , folders. whenever try play video file dokan disk media player classic, works great. when try playing vlc, following error: file reading failed: vlc not read file (bad file descriptor). update: file reading failed: vlc not read file (bad file descriptor). vlc can't recognize input's format: format of 'file:///k:/%5bhorriblesubs%5d%20fate%20stay%20night%20-%20unlimited%20blade%20works%20-%2025%20%5b720p%5d.mkv' cannot detected. have @ log details. and when read vlc's debug data, following messages: core debug: adding item `[horriblesubs] fate stay night - unlimited blade works - 25 [720p].mkv' ( file:///k:/%5bhorriblesubs%5d%20fate%20stay%20night%20-%20unlimited%20blade%20works%20-%2025%20%5b720p%5d.mkv ) core debug: processing request item: [horriblesubs] fate stay night - unlimited blade works - 25 [

angularjs - Leaflet Marker message on click ajax call -

i have marker on leafletjs on click need invoke ajax call , then markers.push({ id: 'abc_' + j, lat: abclatlonoptions[j][0], lng: abclatlonoptions[j][1], layer: 'abc', icon: { iconurl: icons['abc'].icon, iconsize: [16, 16], popupanchor: [0, 0], }, message: complieabcmessage(lat, lon, starttime, eta, calculatedeta, speed) } now depending on lat , lon need retrieve data , show. above function works, problem have 1000's of markers , loop through markers , while adding markers function complieabcmessage invoked , ajax invoked, don't want happen how can avoid function being call

swift - Using reflection to set object properties without using setValue forKey -

in swift it's not possible use .setvalue(..., forkey: ...) nullable type fields int ? properties have enum it's type an array of nullable objects [myobject?] there 1 workaround , overriding setvalue forundefinedkey method in object itself. since i'm writing general object mapper based on reflection. see evreflection minimize kind of manual mapping as possible. is there other way set properties automatically? the workaround can found in unit test in library here code: class workaroundstests: xctestcase { func testworkarounds() { let json:string = "{\"nullabletype\": 1,\"status\": 0, \"list\": [ {\"nullabletype\": 2}, {\"nullabletype\": 3}] }" let status = testobject(json: json) xctasserttrue(status.nullabletype == 1, "the nullabletype should 1") xctasserttrue(status.status == .notok, "the status should notok") xctasserttrue(stat

ios - pod spec lint fails with 400 -

i followed steps make opensource library available on cocoapds. @ end of steps before publishing run pod lib lint command , passed test: -> shmultipleselect (0.1.0) shmultipleselect passed validation. but pod spec lint command giving error: [!] /usr/bin/git clone<github_username>/shmultipleselect.git /var/folders/fn/49fp5hx941541w0ncv5n28_h0000gn/t/d20150723-39741-1esoisq --single-branch --depth 1 --branch 0.1.0 cloning '/var/folders/fn/49fp5hx941541w0ncv5n28_h0000gn/t/d20150723-39741-1esoisq'... fatal: unable access '<github_username>/shmultipleselect.git/': requested url returned error: 400 searched error through stackoverflow , found can not update pod library . run pod spec lint shmultipleselect.podspec command accepted answer says , gived me error: [!] /usr/bin/git clone /var/folders/f

entity framework - EF LINQ select entities where Id is in List -

i trying select list of entities using ef , linq , should retrieve has specific accountid inside participants icollection public class conversation { public conversation() { participants = new list<account>(); messages = new list<message>(); } [key] public int32 conversationid { get; set; } public icollection<message> messages { get; set; } public icollection<account> participants { get; set; } } _db dbcontext public async task<list<conversation>> findbyaccountidasync(int32 id) { return await _db.conversations.where(....).tolistasync(); // .... select conversations id == accountid inside icollection<account> participants } i have no idea on how compose query in linq use any : return await _db.conversations .where(c => c.participants.any(p => == id)) .asqueryable() .tolistasync();

exception - writing aborted; org.apache.log4j.Logger -

i'm getting error in tomcat when i'm trying log in user system: org.springframework.web.context.contextloader - root webapplicationcontext: initialization completed in 1967 ms sau 14, 2013 7:39:17 pm org.apache.catalina.session.standardmanager doload severe: ioexception while loading persisted sessions: writing aborted; org.apache.log4j.logger writing aborted; org.apache.log4j.logger @ source) @ source) @ source) @ source) @ source) @ source) @ java.util.linkedlist.readobject(unknown source) @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccess